I’ve completely redone the upper case (majuscule) lettering videos to include the swash variation on the same video as the lower-case (minuscule) version. The videos have already been edited. If you like the treatment I did with the lower-case standard-plus-swash version videos, you will like these!

Standard and swash versions side by side in the same video
I added a new article, Italic Variations, to the book chapter section. There, you’ll see examples of more ways you can stylize your letters to fit your work to your theme. I have a few more pictures to make before it is complete.
This V4 will probably be the last update. After this I will start on a new app featuring a different calligraphy alphabet style — again, complete with videos!
I changed the name of this blog to better reflect its purpose.
Get V3 in the iTunes Store now http://itunes.com/apps/steveusting and start learning Italic calligraphy today!
Watch the video for V3.