I’ve been updating my devotional on Mark’s gospel, Steps of a Disciple, chapter by chapter. I’ve included a few calligraphic works too. My goal is to have one artwork per chapter throughout all of Mark’s 16 chapters. It’s a challenge because I want the calligraphy style to match the mood or message. That’s always the tough part!

Artwork for Mark 4:39 in Steps of a Disciple
Click here to see the Steps of a Disciple app.

Steps of a Disciple opening screen
About Steve Husting
Steve Husting is a mild webmaster by day and fearless writer by night. He is deaf, loves making calligraphy, hiking, terrific movies, and making the Bible's message clear to his readers. His devotionals are regularly published in Daily Devotionals for the Deaf, and his latest apps are sold in the iTunes App Store. His self-published Christian and calligraphy books are on lulu.com/spotlight/stevehusting