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Category Archives: Christianity
What is the fear of God?
Many think that verses referring to harsh judgment were meant to be applied to the unsaved. But how did Paul see the judgment? As an incentive to get ready lest one be punished! “Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or … Continue reading
Why should I pray if God already knows what I want to say?
Some of my friends already know I’m going to talk about the Lord. In other gatherings, I already know the conversation will turn to American Idol, Survivor, and Farmville, with very little variation in what they’ll talk about. But that’s … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged Doubt Busters, Lord's Prayer, Our Father, pray, prayer
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How can you possibly believe that a dead man came back to life?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is central to the Christian message. Without it, Christianity would be just another religion. What makes the case so compelling for belief? Here are several ideas to consider. God knew how hard … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged disciples, Doubt Busters, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Lee Stobel, Messiah, resurrection, The Case for Christ
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Don’t Christians give up a lot of fun in life?
Surprisingly, Christianity is the most liberty-loving religion on earth: “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any” (1 Corinthians … Continue reading
Wouldn’t more people be persuaded to believe if Christianity and the gospel were presented more logically?
Frankly, few people are motivated to make decisions based on logic alone. For instance, a newcomer to a company may notice that all the key players are dressed in black, so the newcomer may dress in black to fit in. … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged Christianity, Doubt Busters, Gospel, reason, testimony, truth, Word of God
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Don’t the Crusades and witch hunts prove that Christianity is corrupt?
German blood runs in my veins. I have read about Hitler and his evils with the Holocaust. What happened with the extermination of the Jews, handicapped, homosexuals, and foreigners ought never to have happened. We learn from this WWII history … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged accountability, Christianity, Crusades, Doubt Busters, Salem, witch trials
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Why won’t Christians remove the beam from their own eyes so they will stop judging us?
God tells Christians to remove the beam from their own eyes so they can judge others with better understanding: “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own … Continue reading
Why are there Christians in prison?
I am a pen pal to prison inmates. Of the Christian pen pals I have, many of them received Christ while in prison. They ignored God before prison; now they have much time to learn of him. I’ve received letter … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged Christians, Doubt Busters, hypocrites, pen pals, perseverance in trials, prison
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Is money the root of all evil?
The phrase comes from the Bible. First Timothy 6:10 tells us, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with … Continue reading
If you were born in India, you wouldn’t be a Christian but a Hindu, right?
If I were born in the Middle East, I would probably belong to one of the three major branches of Islam. If I were born in Japan, I might be a Buddhist or Shintoist. If born in Central America, I … Continue reading
How do people grow in their faith?
Christians grow in their faith as they would grow in any other endeavor. Jesus tells us, “For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will … Continue reading
Shouldn’t the Jews be blamed for killing Christ?
The Bible is clear that the early Jewish religious leaders were foremost in condemning Jesus to death at his trial on trumped-up charges, and they brought him before the Roman governors to request the death penalty (because that right had … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged anti-Semitism, Doubt Busters, Jesus Christ, Jews Israel
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Shouldn’t all clergy preach for free?
I went to a church where all the clergy had regular jobs. They thought it was a privilege to preach on their own time in the evenings and on Sundays. However, the Bible does say it’s OK for preachers to … Continue reading
What is so special about the cross?
Christians highly value the cross because it means that our sins were borne by Jesus on the cross. The cross was an instrument of Roman torture to administer the death penalty. The criminal was nailed to a beam with his … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged animal sacrifice, cross, crucifixion, Doubt Busters, flesh, Gospel, Jesus Christ, prophecy, resurrection, sin
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Should we keep the law?
Well, we need to answer two questions first: (1) Why should we keep the law? (2) Which laws are we referring to? 1. Why should someone keep the law? One of the reasons people give for keeping the Bible laws … Continue reading
What would happen if Christians actually followed their Bibles?
When Christians have followed through on the Bible, they have transformed society for the better. According to What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? 6, by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe, here is what Christians have accomplished when they … Continue reading
What do you get out of going to church?
I get to hear instruction from the Word of God from a man who explains it clearly and helps me to apply it to my life. I get an opportunity to hear God direct my life. I hear a promise … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged Christians, church, obedience, pray, Word of God, works
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Will we be more prepared for judgment if we kept the sabbath?
One group of Christians which strongly makes its voice heard regarding readiness for the end times believe that we must keep the sabbath law or we will be damned – all our efforts will be for nothing. You will miss … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged Doubt Busters, Israel, Jews, judgment, Mosaic Law, sabbath
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How can anyone know God’s will?
When a soldier needs to know his commanding officer’s will, he asks, “What are your orders, sergeant?” When an employee wants to know what the boss wants done next, she asks, “What do you need me to do now, sir?” … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged Bible, Christians, Doubt Busters, God's will, Word of God
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What is the grace of God?
Grace is the amazing willingness of a holy God to help fallen men and women. When we don’t understand grace we’ll try to become good enough before we think God will act on our behalf. Many of us think we … Continue reading
If there is free will, how can God be in control?
Your will is not as free as you suppose. Your upbringing, culture, personality, conscience, friends and acquaintances, role models, and the media have shaped you in many ways. For instance, if you are shy, your decisions at a party would … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged Christian, control, Doubt Busters, free will, sin, Word of God
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Why do you Christians think you are better than the rest of us?
I was not born a Christian. I became a Christian when I realized that I had offended a holy God and needed his forgiveness. Apart from that forgiveness, I was headed for h ell . How can I say I … Continue reading
Don’t Christians have to answer for what other Christians have done in the name of Jesus?
We can derive an answer from a story in the Bible. Jesus told a story of three servants who received instructions from the same master. After the master delegated duties to each man, he went away. When he came back, … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged accountability, Christians, Doubt Busters, responsibility
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Why should I go to church when it’s full of hypocrites?
If you were sick with a fever, asking this question is like asking, “Why should I go to a hospital when it’s full of sick people?” If you were sick and wanted to get better, you belong in a hospital. … Continue reading →