The kingdom of God is God’s plan of the ages fulfilled. It is mankind’s very hope and desire for order and peace realized – which our politics and governments have never been able to accomplish. It is the separation of Satan and sin; the destruction of death and h ell . God’s kingdom is self dethroned and Christ enthroned. In God’s kingdom, hope reigns in the place of despair, love replaces loneliness, and patience substitutes for rage.
It’s easy enough for a child to enter, yet rich and deep enough for an adult to practice the rest of his life. The invisible kingdom exists wherever a believer is submitted to King Jesus. It will exist in its visible manifestation after Jesus comes again to set up his government. Then the wolf will lie down with the lamb, a child shall play with a snake without harm, every government on earth will be replaced, and the righteous sons of God will shine like the stars forever.
It’s no wonder Jesus told us to pray, “Thy kingdom come.” No wonder Jesus told us to seek it first.
Scriptures about the kingdom
Jesus preached it: Mark 1:14
We must receive it like a child: Mark 10:15
We must be born again to enter it: John 3:3
Hard to enter when trusting in riches: Mark 10:24
Beatitudes reflect the character of those in the kingdom: Matthew 5-7
Not everyone in church is fit for the kingdom: Luke 9:62
Abraham and the other prophets will sit in the kingdom: Luke 13:28-29
The coming kingdom will be preceded by particular visible signs: Luke 21, Matthew 24
The kingdom is enjoyed as righteousness, peace, and joy: Romans 14:17
Unrighteous Christians will not inherit it: 1 Corinthians 6:9
Christians of the flesh shall not inherit it: Galatians 5:21, Ephesians 5:5
Those who endure suffering for it are worthy of it: Acts 14:22, 2 Thessalonians 1:5
The Son of God will reign in it righteously forever: Hebrews 1:8
It will replace all other governments: Daniel 2:44
The animals are tame in the coming kingdom on earth: Isaiah 35
Physically described as being on earth: Revelation 21-22
Seek it above all: Matthew 6:33
What Do You Think?
a. Very often when I experience hardship or evil, I am reminded of why I long for the kingdom to come. In what ways do you think sinful mankind can make this world a better place than God can?