How Many Judgments of God Take Place in the End Times?

Regarding the end times, there are different scenarios and much disagreement. What follows is my understanding of what happens. I am using “judgment” in an elastic sense here, for they are happening whenever the Lord is making decisions that affect our future.

In Matthew 24:36-42, with an example scenario in 43-51, Jesus tells us that when He comes He will separate the faithful from the unfaithful believers. Those passing the test will rule over the master’s house; will rule with Christ in His kingdom. I supposed both the faithful and unfaithful are believers because both are at work in the same master’s house.

This might be the same grouping/separating that happens in Matthew 25:1-13, where the wise virgins are allowed in, but the foolish virgins are not. (Is the Rapture event a judgment of God that some–wise virgins–will be taken who have been counted worthy, as in Luke 21:36?). It’s entirely possible that these judgments are being rendered on two kinds of believers, but others will disagree. I figure the foolish to be Christians because they are waiting for the coming just like the wise are. Unbelievers are not waiting for the coming.

In Matthew 25:14-30 we have an account of another judgment. After the Lord comes, believers will give an account of themselves to God, and they will be appointed a place with privileges according to their work. “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Those who squandered their lives and abilities will be without reward.

In Matthew 25:31-46, we have the judgment where Jesus separates the sheep from the goats. I believe this judgment, which after the wrath of God has been spent on the earth, is targeting those surviving nations (sheep) which harbored the fugitives from the Antichrist’s reign of terror (such as persecuted Jews) and those nations (goats) which followed the Antichrist. The sheep enter into the Kingdom of God. Despite the mailers which use this passage when asking for your money to help the poor, this is NOT a judgment regarding believers. In vv34-40, the sheep do not know that they are serving God when they were helping “the least of these.” Is that a description of believers?

In Revelation 7:9-17 we find a new group of people suddenly appearing in heaven during a great tribulation period, which I take are people who have been rescued from further persecution by the Antichrist figure. See v14 for this identification and timing.

In Revelation 20:4-6, we see people who are enthroned and will reign with Christ 1000 years. These are people who have been martyred for the faith (see v4). This might be the same group as in Revelation 6:9-11, who were killed during the Antichrist reign. Satan is bound during this time. The sheep are alive at this time and are producing offspring.

In Revelation 20:7-10, Satan is let loose after the 1000 years and deceives the nations. God sends judgment upon Satan and his horde, and on the nations which were deceived and follow him. It’s possible some of the sheep are among them; at least their offspring are; so they are judged unworthy.

In Revelation 20:11-15, we get the account of the Great White Throne judgment. People are raised from the dead and judged by the “books” (which might be recordings of their deeds) and the “Book of Life.” If their name isn’t in the Book of Life, then they are rejected. Because of the “if” here, it’s possible that some of this group could be found in the Book of Life and escape.

These are all the different judgments I can think of. They are all sorting out the undesirable for God’s eternal kingdom. Read them carefully so you can see the requirements for making it to the end in glory. Are you wise or foolish, faithful or unfaithful regarding the privilege of being a child of God? Are you faithful or unfaithful with the work which God has shown you in His word? Are you committed to following Him or has the world won your heart?

About Steve Husting

Steve Husting lives in Southern California with his wife and son. He enjoys encouraging others through writing, and likes reading, digital photography, the outdoors, calligraphy, and chocolate. He has written several books and ebooks, and hundreds of Christian devotionals. Steve is also having a great time illustrating God's Word with calligraphy.
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