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Tag Archives: Israel
Why does the Bible talk about Israel signing a peace treaty?
Daniel 9:24-27 gives us a sweeping, end-times prophecy from Christ’s first coming to His Second Coming. Verse 27 tells us about the final seven years before Christ sets up His kingdom. It all begins with someone making an agreement, or … Continue reading
Posted in End Times
Tagged 7 years, abomination of desolation, antichrist, Daniel, end of the world, end of the world in 2012, end times, Israel, prophecy, temple, treaty with Israel
Will we be more prepared for judgment if we kept the sabbath?
One group of Christians which strongly makes its voice heard regarding readiness for the end times believe that we must keep the sabbath law or we will be damned – all our efforts will be for nothing. You will miss … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity
Tagged Doubt Busters, Israel, Jews, judgment, Mosaic Law, sabbath
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