Why does God want Christians to reign with Him?

God made us with built-in impulses. Two of them are to be rewarded and honored. Reigning with Him by passing the test fairly satisfies both of these impulses. We want to be recognized. God offers that recognition by giving us ways to be faithful to Him (not by self-esteem classes).

Throughout Bible history, God has allowed sinful men and women to partner with Him in His work, as prophets and prophetesses, as kings reigning over His people, as pastors and other ministers in His house, and in many other Christian vocations. We don’t have to do it; we GET to do it. We get to partner with the Creator of the Universe. We get to work alongside Him who died for us, set us free from sin, and opened up a whole new way of living that culminates in God rewarding and blessing the faithful.

God is not a stingy giver. He is a cheerful giver. He is going to pay us back for the labor we put into His kingdom. We cannot out-give God; we will never put God in our debt. God does not owe us anything. In offering us the surpassing honor of reigning with His Son, God is showing us His love, and it is not meager; He is showing us what His plans are for us, and they are not shabby; He shows us His grace, that He will provide anything and everything we will ever need to make it to a throne to reign with Him.

If we do not reign with Christ in the end (and not all Christians will be found faithful in the end), it is not because God was not strong enough. It will be because we did not set our sights high enough. Maybe we put money and earthly riches as more important. Maybe a family or business position, or recognition by our worldly peers, or finishing a task we have taken on ourselves to do, are a higher priority. Maybe a cause we believe in (save the whales!) Or simply staying in our comfort zone.

But God invites us to allow Him into our lives to mold and shape us for this glory. If we persevere in faith in God, persevere in the trials, we will be changed; we will made fit to reign with Him. We will deal with sin to stand for Christ’s values. We will turn from looking to the visible and temporary to instead looking to the unseen and eternal. We will settle our faith in God and not trust in our good deeds. We will learn to obey God in spite of the hardship such choices will create.

We will need a huge reward to compensate for overcoming all the obstacles we’ll face to be found worthy. Reigning with Christ in His kingdom, with all its riches and honor, and hearing His “well done, good and faithful servant,” is that reward. Will you accept the mission?

Romans 2:11 tells us, “There is no partiality with God.” There is nothing in your life that will hinder God from bringing you to this end. Race and creed do not matter; nobility and poverty mean nothing with God when it comes to preparing you for a throne. Your choice to remain in Him, continue in His love, keep your faith in Him in hard times and easy, are all it takes. “The just shall live by faith,” (Romans 1:17). Do not be removed from faith in God. Continue in the scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation (2 Timothy 3:14-15).

Verses supporting saints ruling with Christ:

Matthew 19:27-28

Matthew 24:25-41

Matthew 25:14-30

Luke 12:42-44

Luke 19:11-27

Luke 22:28-30

2 Timothy 2:12

Revelation 2:26-27

Revelation 3:21

Revelation 20:4, 6

Revelation 22:5

About Steve Husting

Steve Husting lives in Southern California with his wife and son. He enjoys encouraging others through writing, and likes reading, digital photography, the outdoors, calligraphy, and chocolate. He has written several books and ebooks, and hundreds of Christian devotionals. Steve is also having a great time illustrating God's Word with calligraphy.
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